New Book Announcement


Lenguas e identidades en los Andes:

perspectivas ideológicas y culturales


Bibliographical Data

Edited by:      Serafín M. Coronel-Molina (Princeton University)
                        see also his Quechua website at:

            Linda L. Grabner-Coronel (University of Pennsylvania)


Publisher:      Ediciones Abya Yala, Quito, Ecuador




Published:     2005

ISBN:              9978-22-496-3

Format:          paperback

Pages:             426


Description (in English)

There exists a rich legacy of research that investigates themes related to languages and sociolinguistic and sociocultural identities in the Andes.  This collection of essays written in Spanish adds one more piece to that legacy. The novelty of this contribution arises from the multiplicity of perspectives and theoretical approaches that characterize these essays, which explore diverse aspects of Andean languages, cultures, ideologies and identities. This collection of essays not only encompasses several fields within the humanities and social sciences, but also diverse time periods from colonial times to the present, and includes studies from nearly all the Andean countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

The unifying thread woven through all of the essays is the interrelationship that exists between languages, cultures and ideologies, and the impact that these have on the construction and reconstruction of regional, national, ethnic and gendered identities. In this way, the authors of the various essays approach from a wide range of perspectives the diverse ways in which power dynamics have historically affected the multiple layers of identity found in the Andean region. The results of these interdisciplinary studies have contributed a wealth of new details to the understanding of the relationships that exist among the different forms of knowledge of the world in which we live.

The book is divided into three sections. The first, “Vigorizando lenguas, vigorizando culturas” focuses on issues of indigenous language planning and revitalization, with one article addressing practical and theoretical issues of technology use in such efforts, and the other articles providing case studies from specific times and places. The second section, “Ideologías e identidades (socio)lingüísticas”, examines the numerous ways that individuals or groups express their identities and beliefs through their language choices, both in terms of what language they speak, and the forms of discourse they employ. Finally, the third section, entitled “(De)construcción de identidades socioculturales”, shifts the focus from linguistic aspects to the more strictly sociocultural realm. These essays deal with manifestations of indigenous identity from a variety of perspectives, including literary, religious, historical and sartorial.

This collection of essays is of relevance to anyone interested in linguistic anthropology and indigenous language and identity issues in the Andes: anthropologists, sociolinguists, sociologists, language planners, historians, semioticians, and other scholars of Andean cultural studies. It could also be of interest to researchers in other areas of the world who are looking for novel approaches to apply to their own regions.


Contenido (en castellano)




Linda L. Grabner-Coronel (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA) y Serafín M. Coronel-Molina (Princeton University, New Jersey, USA)


Primera parte 

Vigorizando lenguas, vigorizando culturas


Lenguas originarias cruzando el puente de la brecha digital: nuevas formas de revitalización del quechua y el aimara
  Serafín M. Coronel-Molina  (Princeton University, New Jersey, USA)


La escala de disrupción intergeneracional para el estudio de la inversión de la sustitución lingüística: el caso del quechua en el Perú
  Llorenç Comajoan (Middlebury College, Vermont, USA)


La lengua quechua en el noroeste argentino: estado actual, enseñanza y promoción      
  Lelia Inés Albarracín y Jorge Ricardo Alderetes  (both, Asociación de Investigadores en Lengua Quechua [ADILQ], Tucumán, Argentina)


El periódico El Lápiz: un intento en el siglo XIX de conservar la memoria y lenguas de los pueblos indígenas de Mérida
  Suhaill Avendaño Bolívar (Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela)


Construcción de políticas regionales: lenguas y culturas en educación
  Madeleine Zúñiga, Lucía Cano C. (both, Instituto de Estudios Regionales “José María Arguedas”, Ayacucho, Peru)
y Modesto Gálvez (Ministerio de Educación, Lima, Peru)


Segunda parte

Ideologías e identidades (socio)lingüísticas


De investigados a investigadores: la sociolingüística como fuente de reafirmación identitaria
  Marleen Haboud
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador and Universidad de San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador)


Prejuicio étnico en el habla cotidiana de los chilenos acerca de los mapuches en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile
 María Eugenia Merino
(Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile)


Trascendiendo o fortaleciendo el valor emblemático del quechua: identidad de la lengua en la ciudad de Cochabamba
 Inge Sichra
Programa de Formación en Educación Intercultural Bilingüe para los Países Andinos [PROEIB Andes], Cochabamba, Bolivia)


Lengua y poder: los hermanos hegemónicos en Argentina
 Jorge Ricardo Alderetes
y Lelia Inés Albarracín (
both, Asociación de Investigadores en Lengua Quechua [ADILQ], Tucumán, Argentina)


Tercera parte 

(De)construcción de identidades socioculturales


Voces de la nación: exploraciones de lo indígena andino en la imagen nacional peruana
 Linda L. Grabner-Coronel
(University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)


La religiosidad del indígena andino y el culto a las Vírgenes                                             
 Herminia Terrón de Bellomo
(Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina)


Memoria cultural, luchas y transacciones simbólicas en la copla cantada en la región andina de Jujuy, Argentina
 María Eduarda  Mirande
(Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina)


La vestimenta de la chola paceña, emblemática de clase y género: el caso de la zona del Gran Poder
 Claudia Vincenty Zoto
(Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia)


Memoria colectiva entre escenificación y archivos: el caso del Ecuador                            
 Ute Fendler
(Universität des Saarlandes, Alemania) y Juan Camilo Escobar (Universidad Central de Ecuador, Quito)



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